Life on board & the Productivity pyramid

Life on board & the Productivity pyramid

Last Updated
Last updated August 27, 2023
Thoughts on the way

Life on board & the Productivity pyramid

Social immensity

Being together in the vast opened of the ocean. Not realising that we are in the middle of nothing.
There is something highly peculiar about sailing across an ocean together. We felt alone together. Having the others trumped our immensity-induced anxiety.

Disconnected attention & productivity optimisation

Having the opportunity to focus outside of the Internet.
For once, we didn’t have anywhere to go. No internet, plenty of sleep, spots to work on and a lot of time. This was precious and very unusual. It allowed us to devote time to activities that we would normally have overlooked for “better alternatives”.
There is a principle of “productivity optimisation” that usually applies in a connected & fast-paced world. Since we don’t always have access to internet and proper “working conditions” (i.e. a desk), we tend to favor using internet and our computer when we can. From there, we establish a pyramid of productivity based on what we can afford.
  • A bus-ride will be “optimized” by reading (if seated) or listening to podcast
  • A daily commute by bike will only allow podcasts
  • An post-work evening may not allow for any type of productivity
Note that when I’m talking about productivity I’m not necessarily referring to work (as everyone’s day to day activity). Productivity could also mean personal projects, learning objectives or even mindful relationship catering.

The “productivity optimisation” pyramid

Primary axiom: be rested.
  1. If connected, leverage internet
  1. If offline and hands are occupied (traveling, cooking) : podcast
  1. If offline and seated : read
  1. If offline and at a table : produce
Producing is often at the bottom of the hierarchy of execution. One have to force it to make it happen.

A hidden means of procrastination

With enough will, one can beat the pyramid and decide to produce in less than “perfect” conditions. Not having the right conditions to devolve time to our objectives is sometime an hidden way to procrastinate over such objectives.

Cutting-out the “non-productive”

Conditions for productivity are often scarcer than conditions for hedonism or mindfulness. In that spirit, it's easy to be drawn towards cramming productive moments into a day where conditions seem appropriate. Chill time and mindful moments are either cut out or left until exhaustion prevents being more productive.