Kawa - The Captain

Kawa - The Captain

Last Updated
Last updated April 5, 2023
Everyone is an artist in something, for Kawa that’s sailing.
You have to picture him, 55 years old but a face that could be 25 with laughing eyes and a warm smile blanketed by wrinkles of a 75 years old chap.
Like many captains, Kawa has had countless lives. Starting to work at 14 years old as an apprentice baker - a personal passion transmitted by his uncle - where he excelled, he gladly baked hard working nights into his system when law wasn’t preventing apprentices to work at night (Today young bakers are not allowed to start working before 5 am). An allergy to chemicals in industrial flours sliced his dream and proficiency (at a time where he won national prizes for his (t)arts).
At 21, he had to reconvert. Knocking at the doors of a religious hospital to engage as a paramedic, he got lucky and was hired by the nuns to help the Catholics. During 30 years he brought joy and support to the patients, helping them to smile dodging the angry looks of Mother Superior for his antics.
During that time he also cherished and supported his first wife, who gave him a daughter before succumbing of mental illness. Soon after he decided to buy a sailboat and offered a youth of adventures to the new love of his life.
The Yakayalle (Just-have-to-go!) carried them around from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean and back. They lived everywhere, Britany, Brasil etc.
A life on a sailboat implies some challenges, man or daughter-at-sea included. That’s the moment Kawa casually tells you about the time Morgan (his daughter) once tripped over the fence of the boat mid-sea while trying to fill a bucket. Thankfully quickly spotted, she kept her calm as the daughter-of-a-sailor (and sailor herself) she was!
Kawa has been a tremendous inspiration, only willing to give and open to any new encounter life put on his path. He’s now calmly carrying on and breathes in the freedom he built for himself.
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